My name is Mohamad Zihad Mahmud and currently i am a Vocational Training Officer or a Design Engineer at my workplace that is School of Aerospace Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). i received my degree in Aerospace Engineering at USM and grads on 2007.
Currently i teach applied mechanics, mechanical control system, vibration, and basic of unmanned vehicle systems and piloting. I also hold Certified Specialist for CATIA V5 Part Design, Wireframe and Surface and also Assembly Design with 4 years experience by now. My favourite subject is CATIA V5 teaching for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Undergraduate students.
I also run some research about 2 axis accelerometer - stabilized for aerial camera that are for UAVs. Combining design and system integration with CATIA, now i almost finished my research (2011). I also have experience on CATIA design consultation world wide and also have conducted short courses on using CATIA V5 for design.
Now (2011 - 2013), i am working in a big project to assemble STOL CH750 ( and i am a certified builder from Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia.
I can be contacted through my email or