Good Day everyone,
Have you ever wonder, why your classmates, your workmates getting more and more in use with catia software and you are now still searching on how to get use to the software? And still searching in the internet on which is the best shortcut to pass the catia test, or to complete any task given?
The secret is here. In this post, i have made a tutorial that is done by others soon after they start their catia software early in the morning. That is on 'How To Turn The Workbenches Tools to Standards View'. This is a simple step that usually most of us skipped (as it is in the first chapter of any catia tutorial) . But it is truly important as we will get in used of this time by time with its standard view.
The concept is, if we are used with the standard view, that we can make work faster by searching icons that are eyes are used for such as in Sketcher Workbench, Sketch Icon is at the Top Right Corner of the Screen, as we have remembered time by time we used the software. Eventually, if someone have used our workstation or worse it is publicily shared workstation, most of us will have those tools scattered as we want to find tools icon that are usually hiding in the worjbenches. This scattered icon will not be in standard position again otherwise we make it to be in standard position again. Thus, it will be hard for us to find the icons. And it will slow down our work as we are trying to get used on the new positioned that are last used by our friend.
So, what to wait? Watch this video tutorial, (its only 2 minutes and 10 seconds), and learn how to make the tools in standard position. This will reduce the time of 'time to get used to a new icons position', and faster your work progress time by time.