Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cessna 172 Skyhawk

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Today, i would like to share with you guys a great video as above.

It is a tutorial with CATIA V5 for Cessna 172 Skyhawk. This is a great 7 minutes tutorial that have made based on my B747 Tutorial video and contains few functions in CATIA V5 such as Surfacing, Kinematics and Analysis. And i am very gratefull to the author of this tutorial to produce such a tutorial in small airplane.
Congratulations and i hope others will love to see this.




  1. Very interesting - What would be really nice to see if how you now build up the internal structure .. Lets say starting with the wing. Put in the spar – then all the ribs – then aileron and flaps … Based on standard skin .025 and .032 alu skin and rib thickens … allowing. Then print out a few flatten rib patterns to make form blocks etc….

    Then do the same with the fuselage .. bulk heads .. stringers etc….

  2. Thanks for the comments. To do that, we do need some plans. I have a ch750 plans, but until i am still finding time to do the modelling. I hope i can finished it after i finished assembled the real ch750 in my hangar.
